Help Steven Halford Build & Strengthen Churches Across the Nations
Help Revive the Great Commission in Churches Across the Nation
Hi, my name is Steven Halford and I hail from the south coast of England, UK.
I’ve been living in America since 2017 where my home and base are.
I’ve been in ministry in some form since 1997 when I first surrendered to the Lord as a teenager.
Since then He’s taken me around the world preaching the Gospel and planting churches in South America, North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.
My ministry is primarily based in Africa; Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Nigeria. And really, my heart is to expand the ministry of what Jesus wants to do in these places.
We also have a presence in Pakistan and we’re heading back to the U.K. to plant new works.
I would consider myself an apostolic evangelist. Myself and our team go and evangelize to small, medium and large groups. We have mass rallies, whatever it takes to get the Gospel put across. I take teams with me as I go and minister, this will be the same whether it’s in England, parts of Europe, or in Asia, I always go with a team. And we work with the indigenous population of the countries in which we go.

This isn’t about myself, Steven, having my name in big lights. This is really about taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations. When people give their lives to the Lord, we get them involved in local ministries and local churches. If there isn’t a healthy local church, then we plant one.
Steven Halford Ministries isn’t about us going and just putting on big events for the sake of having big events. It’s very much us going kind of under the radar and seeing whole parts of the countries we go to really change and transform. We’ve seen whole regions of Uganda change with the power of the Gospel, we’ve seen great revival breakout in Nigeria, we really want to go to places like Nigeria, where we can go and rescue people with the Gospel before they get radicalized.
Many of my friends over there have been persecuted. The revival that broke out 10 years ago, that we were a part of, is under attack.
So we would love for you to stand with us. Thank you for the opportunity to partner with us and for partnering with Christian Life Missions to send us to the nations and to make Jesus known. God bless you. Thank you
Help Steven Halford Build & Strengthen Churches Across the Nations
Be it large evangelistic campaigns in the developing world or ministering in the pulpit (or on the streets) in the USA & Europe, Steven Halford Ministries desires to see people saved, healed, delivered and empowered to live adventurous lives for Jesus. His ministry builds new congregations through evangelism and spirit-filled living.