Help Stop the Abuse & Marginalization of Women Around the World
The Mordecai Project is confronting all forms of abuse including domestic violence, female infanticide, denial of education to girls, forced prostitution and sex trafficking, female genital mutilation, mistreatment of widows and honor killings. We are calling for the full participation of trained women in church leadership, and we challenge the global church to reject unbiblical religious traditions that encourage gender discrimination.
Confront Abuse and Empower Women in Developing Countries
6 Out of 10 Indian Men Admit to Committing Violence Against Their Wives
U.N. Population Fund and the ICRW survey
In many parts of the world, when a girl is born families literally declare a day of mourning. Newborn girls are often buried alive, suffocated under blankets, thrown to wild animals, burned with acid, dropped down wells, or tossed into the ocean. Billboards across India advertise gender-selective abortions. Many girls in China are killed at birth—even in hospitals. Female infanticide is an accepted practice in many countries. If a girl somehow survives childhood, the abuse, hatred and gender-based discrimination doesn’t end, even when she becomes a woman.
When J. Lee Grady, former Charisma Editor, saw the discrimination and abuse of women he felt the Holy Spirit say, “Why don’t you defend them?” He responded as a journalist would with books and articles. But now his ministry has expanded around the world with crusades and orphanages.
Christian Life Missions has partnered with the Mordecai Project to help support the efforts of J. Lee Grady and rescue these women and girls. CLM has set a goal to raise $100,000 of the $250,000 Lee needs to purchase a new building in India to provide a safe and loving Christian environment for girls who have been abandoned because of their gender. Financial support would also offer food, clothing, education and affirmation to girls who deserve a chance to succeed in life.
Lee’s vision is to partner with local churches and ministries throughout the developing world to establish women’s empowerment centers. These centers will provide:
- Care and education for orphan girls (as well as assistance to place them in adoptive homes).
- Shelter, healing and vocational training for women who must leave their husbands to escape violence.
- Training for women who are called to church or ministry leadership.
The Mordecai Project has already begun its first girls’ home in India and Lee is working to raise money to complete this project. Phase One of the plan is to assist women and girls in Guatemala, Uganda, Malawi, Nigeria, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia and other cities in India.
Please help support these women and girls by giving to this cause which will stop the abuse and change the circumstances of their lives.

Over 300k Reported Incidents of Crime Against Women In 2013
Nation Crime Records Bureau
The Mordecai Project’s vision is to empower women to succeed and in doing so transform nations. That is accomplished in part by building safe houses for girls and women who have suffered gender-based violence and helping them to heal, be educated, and be positioned to transform their own societies.
So far The Mordecai Project has initiated projects in Guatemala, Peru, Colombia and India. Grady is planning to launch similar projects in Malawi, El Salvador, Ecuador, Bolivia, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda and additional cities in India. He also plans to build homes in the U.S. for Native American women, in Canada for First Nation women, and in Australia for aboriginal women. “In the U.S. the women with the highest percentage of abuse are Native American women living on reservations,” he explains. “And when you look at abuse against women in Canada, it’s the native women who are at the top of the list.” It’s a similar crisis among aboriginal women in Australia.
Please consider helping Lee as he works to confront gender-based violence and raise the $100,000 needed to purchase a new building for the Mordecai’s House girls’ home in Tanuku, India. “Our current facility is very small,” says Lee. “Our dream is to not only purchase a larger building, but also to establish a school for our 33 girls—and to make room for more. In India, many families do not believe girls are worth educating. We want our girls to demonstrate how vital it is for girls to excel in school and go to college—and eventually get good jobs. Educating girls is the secret to ending systemic poverty in the developing world!”
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