A few years ago, a certain pastor couldn’t help but notice a family standing in front of him at a convenience store in New Orleans, and could see that they did not have the money to pay for their items. To spare the family of any embarrassment he lightly tapped the father’s shoulder saying ” No need to turn around, but please accept this money,” and the father took the money without ever seeing this pastor.

Nine years later….

This same pastor was invited to preach at a New Orleans church. When the service ended, a man walked up to this pastor and shared his story of salvation. He said ” Years ago my wife and I, with one child, had lost everything. We had no jobs, we had no money, and we were living out of our car. Finally we lost all hope, and agreed to commit suicide and we would include our child. We thought we should at least give our son some food, and we drove to a convenience store to buy it. ”

While we were standing  in line there, we realized we didn’t even have the money to pay for these items, but a man from behind us asked us to please take the money from his hand, but not to turn around. In handing us the money he told us, ‘Jesus loves you.’ ”

“We left the store, drove to our suicide site and started weeping for hours. We just couldn’t go through with it, so we started to drive away and we noticed a church sign  that read, ‘Jesus loves you.’ We went to that church the next Sunday, and both my wife and I made a decision to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, on that day. When you started speaking this morning, immediately I knew, you were the man that gave us that money. ” (This pastor had a very recognizable & distinct South African accent.)

“Your act of kindness was so much more than just a good deed & 3 people are alive today because of it.”

Remember, God is well able to multiply even the smallest gift! We appreciate your recent donations to The Mordecai Project, India and believe God will greatly multiply your giving!