I am happy to give a report on where your giving went when we showed the love of Jesus to orphans in Haiti at Christmas.

You may remember that we shared the vision to help Danita’s Children have a Christmas present.  Our goal was $10,000 and we ended up at over $10,400.

Danita’s ministry shared with us a detailed report and photos.  We share them with you so that you can rejoice and also as verification that we followed through on what we told you.

Our policy is that when we raise money for someone like Danita we give 100% of the money to that ministry taking nothing out for overhead and then we report back on exactly what happened.

Toys were moved across the DR border. God provided a driver, truck & cash to pay him to carry them & lots of rice to a warehouse.  320 toys were given in remote villages and to the children of hurricane victims, especially those in the caves. Thank you for making it possible and Merry Christmas to all!

Danita’s ministry has needs all year long.  Christian Life Missions has been generous with her over the years to and we need you to continue to be generous.  If you would like to give another gift to her ministry to be used as they see fit please visit the cause page for Danitas Children.  I know that she will deeply appreciate your generosity.


Steve Strang

Help support this cause or learn more at Hope for Haiti

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