Dear friend of Christian Life Missions,

I am thankful you partnered with us in the past by giving to one of our important ministries.  I hope you know, 100 percent of your gift was sent to the ministry you chose to help. We pay our own overhead expenses.

I’m grateful for a good year in 2017 in which our biggest fundraiser for “Bless Israel” (to help Jews make aliyah through Ezra International) brought in $150,000.  An additional $50,000 donated since the event.  Ezra International which has helped more than 61,705 people, (including 540 Jews make Aliyah) wrote to say they are overwhelmed with the outpouring of support from donors like you. Isn’t this exciting?

My intention is to write to you every month this year to tell you what our target ministries are up to. Your help is coveted. I also hope we can develop a personal relationship.  As president of Christian Life Missions I want to get to know you.  You can call me at 407-333-0600 or email me at [email protected]. I realize that you may give to CLM for a certain ministry every month.  Please don’t stop sending your support. However, as the Lord leads maybe you can help with other projects.  We have several ministries who will eagerly distribute Bibles in prisons. We need to purchase more bibles for distribution.

Our goal is to give the elegant thin line flex-case Modern English Version of the bible valued at around $20 in bookstores.

My goal is to raise $50,000 to buy 10,000 copies at only $5 each.  This is our printing cost.

Our nation’s prisons are overflowing.  Most prisoners will be released only to go back to jail unless their lives change.  And many prison ministries enjoy great success leading inmates to Jesus. But prisoners have few resources and little or no money to purchase a bible.  That is where Christian Life Missions comes in.

Won’t you give generously to this effort we’ve called “Give Away the Word”?  Again, these are durable very nice Bibles available in a variety of colors that you can buy for $5 each. We will give 100% of your gift to this project.

You can give below or by going to

Thank you for giving a gift of God’s Word.  Prisoners who want a Bible but have no way to get one on their own will receive your blessing.

Sincerely in Christ,

Steve Strang, president

Christian Life Missions