Danita’s Children Spreads Hope In War-Torn Haiti

Danita’s Children Spreads Hope In War-Torn Haiti

In my long career as a Christian journalist I have covered many tragedies, from the tsunami of 2003 in Southeast Asia to the tragedies of 9/11 to countless floods, tornadoes and hurricanes. Yet most pale in contrast to what we are seeing in Haiti.

We know that Haiti, which shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic, is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Long burdened by witchcraft and voodoo, it’s one crisis after another. Then 2 1/2 years ago the president was assassinated, and now the government is no longer in charge. Gangs rule, and the chaos is so great the banks are closed, the airport is closed, the infrastructure to get fuel and food is gone and people are going hungry.

A longtime friend, Danita Estrella Watts, is a former businesswoman who was touched by the poverty she saw when she visited Haiti as a tourist in the late ’90s. She went as a freelance missionary, helping as she could. When Charisma covered what she did as a human-interest article in 2002, the response was so great that it launched her ministry. Today she has a school with 400 students, an orphanage, a feeding program that serves around 16,000 meals a month and much more.

When I learned of the crisis in Haiti, I invited Danita to my Strang Report podcast, in which she tells of how she waited at the Dominican Republic border just a few miles from her orphanage and couldn’t get in. No Westerners can get in. However, they can hand food over the border and someone will take it back to the orphanage in a wheelbarrow.

She told me the chaos is such that for the first time in the orphanage’s 25-year history she has had to hire armed guards, which is a new expense she must cover. So I invited the viewers to donate to help. Charisma Media does this through Christian Life Missions, a nonprofit that over the years has raised millions of dollars for worthy causes from the readers of Charisma and our other media properties. Our policy going back to the 1950s is to pass along 100% of the proceeds to the project that is being helped.

We can’t help everyone in Haiti. But we can respond with the love of Jesus to help this successful small ministry that we know and have supported over the years. You can check out our website and see other photos and information about Danita’s Children and even see how we raised money for Christmas gifts a couple of years ago.

Wouldn’t you consider giving generously, as my wife and I are doing, to help these children until conditions improve in this impoverished country?

If you want to help with the crisis in Haiti, you can make a tax-deductible donation to Christian Life Missions, which will channel 100% of your gift to a ministry called Danita’s Children, which runs an orphanage, a school and has a feeding program for hundreds of children. Charisma Media works with Christian Life Missions, a nonprofit ministry to help those in need such as these children in Haiti.

Israel in Crisis: How We Can Help

Israel in Crisis: How We Can Help

Posted by-Susan Perlman 


Israel is experiencing its worst tragedy in decades, with Oct. 7, 2023, being the deadliest day for Jewish people since the Holocaust. The situation on the ground in Israel is changing by the minute.

The number of Israeli men, women and children murdered, injured or taken as hostages is staggering.

All of us outside Israel are left asking ourselves: What can we do to help? How can we let the people of Israel know they are not alone? What are some of the ways we can make a difference right now?

Here are some suggestions:

1. Stay up to date. Look to reliable news sources, especially those with firsthand, on the ground perspectives. Look at YNetNews.com, The Jerusalem Post, HaAretz, Arutz Sheva and The Times of Israel. As they’re reporting from amidst the situation as it unfolds, they will be the most accurate sources for updates.

2. Reach out. Extend support to your Israeli friends. Many have family members directly affected by the attack; others are stuck and cannot return home. Send them a meal, speak a kind word or say a prayer. Look for ways you can love and serve them, whatever that may look like. And share words from our Hebrew Scriptures that contain ancient yet relevant messages of hope for our people.

3. Inform others in your sphere of influence. If you are Jewish, use your own voice to raise awareness among your friends, coworkers and neighbors—both about what’s happening in Israel and what you’re experiencing as a Jewish person living elsewhere. It affects us all. Whether through conversation or by sharing credible information on social media (see No. 1), you can make those around you more aware.

If you are a Christian, make sure your local church and/or small group is informed and positioned to help. Encourage your pastor to call local rabbis and offer support.

Suggest that your church post something on its website and social media platforms to show they care. Mobilize your friends to pray and give to relief efforts. And make sure to let your Jewish friends know that an attack on Israel is personal to you and that you grieve alongside them.

4. Look for opportunities to stand publicly. It can be isolating to watch or read the news alone in our homes. Check online for local walks, vigils and community acts of solidarity with Israel and the Jewish people. Find a way to stand with your community and show support to the Jewish people in Israel and around the world.

5. Pray. Even if we’re hundreds or thousands of miles away, we’re not helpless. Prayer is a very practical way to help. “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (James 5:16b, ESV). The God of Israel is always present. Whether you are Jewish, Christian or both, be assured that God is hearing the prayers you bring to His throne. Here are some things to pray for:

— Pray for the safety of those who have been taken hostage.

— Pray for the Israel Defense Forces soldiers in Gaza and the North, who are routing out the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists.

— Pray for recovery for those who have been wounded by rocket fire and face-to-face attacks by the terrorists.


You can help us right now as we assist with relief efforts. Give now here.

Our team in Tel Aviv has converted our ministry center into a crisis response facility, providing food, toiletries, medical supplies and more to those in dire need. We also have a station set up for mourning and prayer. Our team on the ground is also delivering care packages to Israeli soldiers with everything from socks and underwear to jackets and batteries. Make a difference in Israel with a special gift and support those in need from afar. {eoa}

For the original article, visit JewsforJesus.org.

Israel Needs Our Help Now

Israel Needs Our Help Now

Photo Credit: Ariel Schalit-AP

Watch and Share this video to learm more on how you can help support Israel:

Dear Friends and Supporters,

As everyone knows, Israel is at war.  Over the years, Christian Life Missions supporters have given hundreds of thousands of dollars for various projects in Israel, from an ambulance to bomb shelters to rebuilding a community center that terrorists bombed. Now they need our help more than every.  We are working with two Messianic ministries that are rallying to the need.  One is Vision for Israel and the other is Jews for Jesus who bring the gospel while meeting physical needs.

I just interviewed two representatives about what it’s like to be in a war zone and what they are doing and what they need.  Watch it here.

Every dollar that comes in will go to the need. Just today I authorized sending $24,000 and we will send more as the money comes in.

Our fellow brothers and sisters in Israel are in need of our support and prayers during these trying times. We are committed to offering our help, and we invite you to join us in this vital mission.

There are various organizations in Israel tirelessly working to provide relief, support, and protection to the people. We have identified several of these organizations that are making a significant impact and are in need of financial assistance. Your generous donations can help ensure that these vital efforts continue.

Christian Life Missions is a platform through which we will share our mission, stories of faith, and opportunities to make a meaningful impact in the lives of those in need, starting with a special focus on supporting the people of Israel during challenging times.

 How You Can Help

If you feel called to support our mission and make a difference in Israel, there are two ways to contribute:

Mail Donations: You can send your donations to our address at 600 Rinehart Rd, Lake Mary, FL 32746. Please make checks payable to Christian Life Missions.

Donate Online: For your convenience, we have set up an online donation portal on our website. Visit christianlifemissions.org to make a secure online donation.

Your support, no matter the amount, can go a long way in bringing relief and hope to those who need it most. We appreciate your kindness and generosity.  And 100% of what you donate will go to these ministries in Israel. Nothing is taken out for expenses by us.

We would also like to extend an invitation to pray for the people of Israel, asking for peace, strength, and protection during these uncertain times.  We are commanded by scripture to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and that God blesses those who bless Israel.

It’s always good to remember Our Mission:

At Christian Life Missions, our purpose is to make a positive difference in the world by spreading love, faith, and hope. We believe that it is our Christian duty to reach out and help those who are less fortunate, facing hardships, or in need of assistance. Our mission is to extend our hands and hearts to bless and protect individuals and communities, both locally and globally, who are facing difficult circumstances.

Stay Connected

Stay connected with us through our newsletter, website, and social media channels to receive updates on our missions, stories of impact, and future opportunities to help those in need. We will keep you informed about how your contributions are making a difference in the lives of individuals and communities.

Thank you for joining us on this journey to bring blessings and protection to those who need it the most. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on the world.

Blessings and love,

Stephen Strang, president
Christian Life Missions
600 Rinehart Rd
Lake Mary, FL 32746

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