CLM News, Updates, and Impact

Steven Halford Has a Passion For Evangelism

Steven Halford Has a Passion For Evangelism

Serving as a church leader in many capacities since 1996, he has a strong belief in the power of the local church. He describes the local church as “a type of aircraft carrier which sends out its soldiers into the mission field and then receives them again in order to...

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God Harvests Souls, While Satan Harvests Babies

God Harvests Souls, While Satan Harvests Babies

In part four of the PPH expose by the Center for Medical Progress view undercover conversation with Dr. Savita Ginde, VP/Medical Director of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) where she talks about coordinating with other Planned Parenthoods making sure...

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CBC & You – Breaking the Poverty Cycle

CBC & You – Breaking the Poverty Cycle

Adriele is 12 years old in the 7th grade and has been with Channel to Brazil for Christ (CBC) for a couple of months. However, her connection with CBC is not new. Like many children suffering with daily poverty, learning is a hugely difficult task. CBC students are...

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Grace Is More than a Holy Bleach Pen

Grace Is More than a Holy Bleach Pen

One Sunday recently I stood before my closet and tried to decide between my two go-to outfits for when I want to stay cool but also not go too casual: the maxi dress or the white linen pants. Like most women, as I pondered the white linen pants, I ran through that...

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The Power of One- Metro World Child, Pastor Bill Wilson

The Power of One- Metro World Child, Pastor Bill Wilson

Dear Friends, I have to warn you that what you're about to read may seem unthinkable, and it is. But it also reaffirms why our work is so important and why we must continue embracing children worldwide.  I was in Ethiopia visiting some missionaries when someone told...

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Thanks for Helping Me! 11 Year Old, Beatriz

Thanks for Helping Me! 11 Year Old, Beatriz

Thanks for Helping me realize my dreams.... I am 11 years old & in the 5th grade at Channel to Brazil for Christ. (CBC) I live with my mother, grandmother & sister (also a student at CBC.) Our family lives in the slums & my mother works as a waitress in a...

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God Chooses the Weak

God Chooses the Weak

Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the...

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