Haiti is in Crisis. Give Generously to Help Danita Meet the Need

Haiti is currently facing a severe crisis, and Danita Estrella Watts is on the front lines, providing over 7,000 meals monthly, educating 400 students, and caring for 90 orphans. Despite the regular challenges of life in Haiti, Danita’s Children are thriving, nourished, joyful, and receiving both an education, and learning about God.

However, this stability is now threatened by the escalating unrest in Haiti, where the government is no longer in control  and gangs are in charge. The situation has deteriorated to the point where Danita has had to hire armed guards and resort to handing food across the border because no one is allowed to cross it.

Christian Life Missions has been supporting Danita’s mission since 2003, witnessing firsthand her unwavering integrity and the growth of her ministry. While the world watches the turmoil unfold, Christian Life Missions is determined to make a tangible difference, but we cannot do it alone.

Stephen Strang, the President of CLM, emphasizes the urgency of the situation, stating, “We may not be able to solve all of Haiti’s problems, but we can certainly make a profound impact on these vulnerable children and support Danita in her crucial work.” The need is pressing, and we humbly ask for your generous contribution to support this vital cause. Will you join us in making a meaningful difference today?

Danita Estrella Watts whose orphanage and school are in urgent need of assistance, shares with Stephen Strang the dire impact of the ongoing political and economic crisis on her children and the neighboring community they support. In this video, you can witness firsthand the severity of the circumstances and learn about the longstanding partnership between Christian Life Missions and Danita’s organization. 

Meeting the Needs of children in Haiti

Danita’s Children’s programs educate and empower vulnerable children and families in Haiti.

Lives are restored through the provision of:

  • Food
  • Shelter
  • Education
  • Medical services
  • Discipleship

Our goal is to see transformation in Haiti by raising up the next generation of leaders in a Christ-centered environment.

Danita’s Children is a non-profit organization with the intent of rescuing and caring for orphaned children and meeting their spiritual, physical, academic, and emotional needs. Founded by Danita Estrella in January 1999, the organization began with a small house and fourteen children in Ouanaminthe, Haiti. Currently, Danita’s Children has 75 orphans living in three homes.  A school provides education to nearly 600 children and 17,000 meals are provided each month through the food program, and their church with its congregation of over 500 Haitians provides a place for spiritual hope.

According to UNICEF and the US Agency for International Development, there are 143 Million orphans globally. Every day 5,760 more children become orphans. There are 300,000 child slaves in Haiti and an additional 404,000 to 460,000 orphans. The median age in Haiti is 18 years, meaning that 50% of the population is children, and roughly 8% of those children are without parents. Danita’s Children exists to answer the urgent need for orphan rescue and care in Haiti and around the world.

Danita’s Children is a non-profit 501(C)3 organization located in Orlando, Florida. The organization is governed by a seven-member board of directors and is managed by a CEO, an Executive Director, and a 54 member staff.

Our Mission
We love and care for orphans.

Our Vision
We rescue, love, and care for orphans, meeting their needs spiritually, physically, academically, and emotionally, preparing them for a brighter future.

Our Governing Values
• We follow the biblical directive and standards to love and care for orphans.

• We alleviate the suffering of children.

• We restore and demonstrate dignity and respect for orphaned and impoverished children.

• We prevent the exploitation of the vulnerable, abandoned, neglected, rejected, and suffering child.

• We develop and maintain an approach to rescuing and caring for orphaned children, by meeting their spiritual, physical, academic, and emotional needs.



Support & Protect the People of Israel

The state of Israel is in need of Christian support and love now more than ever.

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/donation-thermometer/.$200,000Raised $147,000 towards the $200,000 target.$147,000Raised $147,000 towards the $200,000 target.

Support & Protect the People of Israel

Israel needs our help. Join us in making a difference for the people of Israel! Your contribution can help build a brighter, more secure future for this resilient nation. Israel faces unique challenges, and your support can make a meaningful impact.

Iran’s recent attack on Israel is being called “a declaration of war”, and that is precisely what it was. Shooting more than 300 drones and missiles at another country is definitely an act of war, and the Iranian parliament was loudly chanting “death to Israel” as it was happening.

The Hamas terrorist attacks in October 2023 marked a significant moment in history. The events unfolding in Israel have drawn comparisons to the gravity of 9/11, and some even argue it could be worse.



The tragic atrocities committed against innocent civilians, including women and children, have left us in disbelief.

It is abundantly clear, as per the Word of God, that Israel holds a special place in His heart. He has established multiple covenants with the Jewish people, and the church is intricately woven into this divine relationship. As Scripture reminds us, “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.”

This crisis has presented us with a unique opportunity to come together in prayer, seeking God’s guidance and invoking His peace upon Jerusalem. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to those who support our mission. We deeply value our partners and thank you for your prayers as well.

May the Lord’s shalom, His peace, rest upon you today in Jesus’ name!

Your generous donation, no matter the size, can make a significant impact on the lives of the people in Israel. Let’s come together to support this nation’s resilience and growth. When you donate today, you will be helping these ministries:

Jews for Jesus

Jews for Jesus, Sue Perlman said: we are putting together care packages which we are distributing to displaced persons and soldiers on the bases. They cost us $20 a package and we can produce thousands as we have funds. We are doing this in the name of Yeshua. Click here for other ways to help.

Messianic Jewish Alliance of America, Joel Chernoff  will rush aid to the hardest-hit areas. People need food — medicine — mothers need diapers for their babies — The poorest of the poor urgently need household goods, clothing, shoes, beds. Some are disabled but without wheelchairs or walkers, without even crutches.

Vision for Israel

Vision for Israel, Barry and Batya Segal So far, has installed 155 bomb shelters upon the northern and southern borders of Israel and they are desperate for more this week and in the coming weeks. They cost Vision for Israel $12,000 each, which includes the cost of production, cranes, delivery trucks, installation and signage. They weigh 30 tons each of massive rebar and concrete specially made to withstand rockets. People in the south have taken refuge inside many of them in the very areas Vision for Israel placed them since the summer of 2021. Vision for Israel will do their best to keep you updated but they are in a war and the requests are coming from all directions, not only for the bomb shelters but also for emergency medical supplies. Please prayerfully consider what the Lord may lay on your heart. Donations can also be sent to one of their branch offices by going to their website: www.visionforisrael.com Vision for Israel is a non-profit charitable organization in Israel, the UK, and a 501C-3 in the USA.



Join the thousands of people who have committed $10 per month to feed a child.

Convoy of Hope is currently feeding more than 571,000 children around the world. With your help, many more will be served nutritious meals in our continuing mission to curb malnutrition.

feedONE is a campaign that supports Convoy of Hope’s Children’s Feeding program. Currently serving more than 571,000 children in 36 countries, feedONE believes a nutritious meal shares hope — opening the door for a child to be healthy and well-nourished.

However, while Convoy of Hope meets many needs, its leaders have never forgotten that the organization was born out of a driving passion to give people what most of us take for granted: a full stomach. According to the United Nations’ World Food Programme, 842 million people in the world do not have enough to eat, and UNICEF statistics say every 3.6 seconds a person dies from starvation.

As overwhelming as these statistics can be, the solution always begins at a micro level—with one person taking the step to affect a single life. Please take the first step and pledge your support.

Our Approach:

  • Nutritional Meals: We feed and monitor the health and growth of children each day in far-flung places such as El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Kenya, Nicaragua, the Philippines, Ethiopia, South Africa, Guatemala, and Tanzania. We implement appropriate sustainability programs based on the needs represented in each country.
  • Education: In many instances, children in our programs are fed through local school leaders. Parents in growing countries place a higher value on education when they know their children will be fed a healthy and nutritious meal in school.
  • Clean & Safe Water: Clean water sustains life. We are committed to the collection of water, distribution of water filtration systems, and training and equipping local partners where safe water is not available.
  • Healthy Living Environments: Dangerous structures and improper sanitation can derail a child’s life. We create healthy living environments by teaching appropriate sanitation practices, completing school rehabilitation projects and showing locals how to build clean and proper latrines.



A true witness rescues lives…
(Proverbs 14:25)


Somebody Cares mobilizes the body of Christ to transform communities through prayer initiatives, compassion outreach, disaster relief, and leadership development. We believe in crossing racial, generational, and denominational lines to find unity in our diversity. With the light of Jesus shining in and through us, we can become a tangible expression of His love and the Gospel of Good News.

SCA serves in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl

Hurricane Beryl made landfall in Matagorda, Texas, as a Category 1 storm on Monday, July 8, leaving behind damaged buildings, flooded roadways, downed trees and power lines, and claiming seven lives as well as one life in Louisiana. Two million people in Greater Houston were without power, with three million total losing power throughout the state.

Doug Stringer received reports and assessments throughout the weekend from friends and ministry partners not only in Texas but in the Caribbean, where Beryl heart-wrenching destruction as a Category 4 hurricane, destroying homes and claiming at least 10 lives. Beryl also hit Mexico as a Category 2 storm with sustained winds of 100mph.

Our Somebody Cares grill team arrived in Lake Jackson, Texas, on Wednesday, July 10, and served up 2000 hot meals the first day. SCA also provided food, water, baby items, and more for churches across the area to meet the needs of families and elderly who are without power with a heat index in the triple digits.

In Grenada and St. Vincent/the Grenadines, some of the smaller islands are entirely homeless. Because the water supply in many areas is through a catchment system, which was damaged, drinking water is also in short supply. The needs on these islands are extremely urgent! Grenada’s prime minister described the damage on the island of Carriacou as “Armageddon-like.”

Our Somebody Cares Caribbean chapter is working along the Association of Evangelical Churches in the Caribbean to help meet the  many needs. John Lewis, our SC Caribbean director, said, “Churches, schools and homes all had roofs torn off. The recovery will be extensive.”

“Our hearts break for the loss throughout the Caribbean, Mexico, and Texas,” says Doug Stringer. “We ask you to pray for all those affected as well as those responding. The needs will be great, and recovery and restoration will be a long-term process.”

Your gift today will help someone in desperate need!

Please continue to pray for all of those who were hit by this storm and our partners and others who are serving on the ground. For real-time updates, visit our social media pages on Facebook and Instagram.

Thank you for caring!



We want to let people know that Somebody Cares! Because Jesus cares, we the Church care. 

Motivated by the love of God to serve communities without discrimination, Somebody Cares America/International (SCA/I) mobilizes churches and volunteers for compassion initiatives, prayer and disaster response; as well as develops godly leadership to influence culture.

This is unity with a purpose!​