Remember Receiving Your First Bible?
In 2003, Hope for Haiti Worship Center (Temple de Espoir Haïti) opened it’s doors to the town of Ouanaminthe, Haiti. The ministry is founded upon a healthy spiritual life, and an active walk and belief in Jesus Christ. The ministry wanted to extend the reach of her mission and vision into the surrounding community, providing them the opportunity to grow in a relationship with Christ and receive discipleship and encouragement from a community of strong believers.
Today, hundreds of people from Ouanaminthe and neighboring villages, attend weekly services at the Hope for Haiti Worship Center where they receive the message of love, hope, spiritual growth, and healing. The worship center is a non-denominational church led by Haitian pastors, accompanied by a pastoral staff.
In addition to the church, Danita’s Children evangelizes the community with weekly outreach through Safari Sunday School presentations.
Each week, the bright yellow Safari truck, drives to remote areas of Northeast Haiti to share the message of love and hope of Jesus Christ to hundreds of children. Led by missionary staff, the children participate in music, drama and creative lessons to learn all about what it means to have a relationship with the Lord.
Safari Sunday School is giving children in the most rural of villages in Haiti the opportunity to learn what it means to have a relationship with Christ. Because of faithful giving and donations, Danita’s Children is able to make a lasting and positive impact on the lives of hundreds of people through the Hope for Haiti Worship Center and Safari Sunday School.
“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you,
as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”
– Matthew 25:40
Leket Israel, Israel’s largest foodbank, practices many Biblical principles. One of my favorites tackles the, why, behind your giving. The Hebrew word for this principle is Tzedakah. Most Christians have never heard the word, however the Jewish community is very familiar with it’s meaning. At the same time they are very divided as to it’s meaning.
Ask a room full of Jews what the meaning of Tzedakah is and you’ll get one of two answers. Half will say JUSTICE and half will say CHARITY. Allow me to explain.
If I gave you $1000 maybe it’s because you loaned me $1000 and now I’m paying it back for the debt to be paid, which is JUSTICE. But, what if I don’t owe you, but I recognize that you have a need and I give you assistance no strings attached. That’s CHARITY.
As Christians we need to understand that those who have are supposed to share with those who have not. Why?
Because what we own is not our own, it belongs to God. We are stewards of his creation. Psalm 24:1 reads, ” The earth is the Lord’s and all it’s fullness, The world and those who dwell therein.”
Tzedakah, God’s principle of JUSTICE & CHARITY, is really God’s heart to those who are in need. We should be living this out in our lives through our giving.
The Prophet Isaiah paints a powerful picture of Israel’s participation in an annual fast, and God’s rebuke in the fact that people were neglecting the poor.
Isaiah 58: 7 reads, “Is it (the annual fast) not to share your bread with the hungry, And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; When you see the naked, you cover him…
The Principle of Tzedakah (JUSTICE & CHARITY) teaches us to make a commitment to help those in need, and to regard the needy as equal human beings.
– Ray MacDonald- Leket Israel
This 5 minute video, shows the lives you’re saving when you give to CHARISMA Cares Bless Israel as we support Magen David Adom (MDA- Israel’s National Aid Society).
I love the dedication of Shira Applebaum, an MDA paramedic and leader of their national disaster response team. She is also a symbol of the hope and inspiration that MDA’s lifesaving work provides, even in the face of tragedy.
Shira’s father and sister were killed by a suicide bomber the night before her sister’s wedding.
When Shira arrived at the scene not knowing how to help, she decided to dedicate the rest of her life to saving lives. Now a nurse in a private clinic and an MDA paramedic, Shira honors the memory of her father and sister each day with her heroic work.
More than ever, right is now is a very important time to be thinking of Israel in your prayers and your giving.
Thank you for blessing Israel & saving lives with Christian Life Missions!
Jim Gordon, long-time supporter of Calcutta Mercy, recounts his recent visit to Calcutta, India:
It was January 2015, and I found myself in Calcutta, India visiting Calcutta Mercy’s ministries. I got to see the city church, hospital, Blind School, Teacher’s Training College, and rural Mercy Schools.
I learned many things, but perhaps the most impactful lesson came from India’s children, who blessed me in more ways than I thought possible. I met the sweetest kids who are so smart, inquisitive, eager to learn, and hungry for love.
These weren’t your typical neighborhood children. Many came from backgrounds where they have not been shown the love of God, nor taught how important they are in His eyes. Some were orphans and others cast away by their community and families because of an eye or lip deformity.
When I spent time with and cared for these children, I learned why God puts His Spirit within us. Not only does it birth us as sons of God; it also shines brightly in us to change the world for Jesus. As I stepped forth in the grace and power of the Spirit, the children could see and experience the wondrous love of Jesus.
I video recorded my entire trip and have watched it over and over again. Each time my heart breaks for those children. And each time I am blessed by them. A visit to Calcutta, India will change anybody’s life. India’s children are Jesus’ “pearls of great price.” I encourage you to go visit and be blessed by all their pretty, smiling faces.