Danita’s Children Spreads Hope In War-Torn Haiti

Danita’s Children Spreads Hope In War-Torn Haiti

In my long career as a Christian journalist I have covered many tragedies, from the tsunami of 2003 in Southeast Asia to the tragedies of 9/11 to countless floods, tornadoes and hurricanes. Yet most pale in contrast to what we are seeing in Haiti.

We know that Haiti, which shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic, is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Long burdened by witchcraft and voodoo, it’s one crisis after another. Then 2 1/2 years ago the president was assassinated, and now the government is no longer in charge. Gangs rule, and the chaos is so great the banks are closed, the airport is closed, the infrastructure to get fuel and food is gone and people are going hungry.

A longtime friend, Danita Estrella Watts, is a former businesswoman who was touched by the poverty she saw when she visited Haiti as a tourist in the late ’90s. She went as a freelance missionary, helping as she could. When Charisma covered what she did as a human-interest article in 2002, the response was so great that it launched her ministry. Today she has a school with 400 students, an orphanage, a feeding program that serves around 16,000 meals a month and much more.

When I learned of the crisis in Haiti, I invited Danita to my Strang Report podcast, in which she tells of how she waited at the Dominican Republic border just a few miles from her orphanage and couldn’t get in. No Westerners can get in. However, they can hand food over the border and someone will take it back to the orphanage in a wheelbarrow.

She told me the chaos is such that for the first time in the orphanage’s 25-year history she has had to hire armed guards, which is a new expense she must cover. So I invited the viewers to donate to help. Charisma Media does this through Christian Life Missions, a nonprofit that over the years has raised millions of dollars for worthy causes from the readers of Charisma and our other media properties. Our policy going back to the 1950s is to pass along 100% of the proceeds to the project that is being helped.

We can’t help everyone in Haiti. But we can respond with the love of Jesus to help this successful small ministry that we know and have supported over the years. You can check out our website and see other photos and information about Danita’s Children and even see how we raised money for Christmas gifts a couple of years ago.

Wouldn’t you consider giving generously, as my wife and I are doing, to help these children until conditions improve in this impoverished country?

If you want to help with the crisis in Haiti, you can make a tax-deductible donation to Christian Life Missions, which will channel 100% of your gift to a ministry called Danita’s Children, which runs an orphanage, a school and has a feeding program for hundreds of children. Charisma Media works with Christian Life Missions, a nonprofit ministry to help those in need such as these children in Haiti.

Israel in Crisis: How We Can Help

Israel in Crisis: How We Can Help

Posted by-Susan Perlman 


Israel is experiencing its worst tragedy in decades, with Oct. 7, 2023, being the deadliest day for Jewish people since the Holocaust. The situation on the ground in Israel is changing by the minute.

The number of Israeli men, women and children murdered, injured or taken as hostages is staggering.

All of us outside Israel are left asking ourselves: What can we do to help? How can we let the people of Israel know they are not alone? What are some of the ways we can make a difference right now?

Here are some suggestions:

1. Stay up to date. Look to reliable news sources, especially those with firsthand, on the ground perspectives. Look at YNetNews.com, The Jerusalem Post, HaAretz, Arutz Sheva and The Times of Israel. As they’re reporting from amidst the situation as it unfolds, they will be the most accurate sources for updates.

2. Reach out. Extend support to your Israeli friends. Many have family members directly affected by the attack; others are stuck and cannot return home. Send them a meal, speak a kind word or say a prayer. Look for ways you can love and serve them, whatever that may look like. And share words from our Hebrew Scriptures that contain ancient yet relevant messages of hope for our people.

3. Inform others in your sphere of influence. If you are Jewish, use your own voice to raise awareness among your friends, coworkers and neighbors—both about what’s happening in Israel and what you’re experiencing as a Jewish person living elsewhere. It affects us all. Whether through conversation or by sharing credible information on social media (see No. 1), you can make those around you more aware.

If you are a Christian, make sure your local church and/or small group is informed and positioned to help. Encourage your pastor to call local rabbis and offer support.

Suggest that your church post something on its website and social media platforms to show they care. Mobilize your friends to pray and give to relief efforts. And make sure to let your Jewish friends know that an attack on Israel is personal to you and that you grieve alongside them.

4. Look for opportunities to stand publicly. It can be isolating to watch or read the news alone in our homes. Check online for local walks, vigils and community acts of solidarity with Israel and the Jewish people. Find a way to stand with your community and show support to the Jewish people in Israel and around the world.

5. Pray. Even if we’re hundreds or thousands of miles away, we’re not helpless. Prayer is a very practical way to help. “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (James 5:16b, ESV). The God of Israel is always present. Whether you are Jewish, Christian or both, be assured that God is hearing the prayers you bring to His throne. Here are some things to pray for:

— Pray for the safety of those who have been taken hostage.

— Pray for the Israel Defense Forces soldiers in Gaza and the North, who are routing out the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists.

— Pray for recovery for those who have been wounded by rocket fire and face-to-face attacks by the terrorists.


You can help us right now as we assist with relief efforts. Give now here.

Our team in Tel Aviv has converted our ministry center into a crisis response facility, providing food, toiletries, medical supplies and more to those in dire need. We also have a station set up for mourning and prayer. Our team on the ground is also delivering care packages to Israeli soldiers with everything from socks and underwear to jackets and batteries. Make a difference in Israel with a special gift and support those in need from afar. {eoa}

For the original article, visit JewsforJesus.org.

Israel Needs Our Help Now

Israel Needs Our Help Now

Photo Credit: Ariel Schalit-AP

Watch and Share this video to learm more on how you can help support Israel:

Dear Friends and Supporters,

As everyone knows, Israel is at war.  Over the years, Christian Life Missions supporters have given hundreds of thousands of dollars for various projects in Israel, from an ambulance to bomb shelters to rebuilding a community center that terrorists bombed. Now they need our help more than every.  We are working with two Messianic ministries that are rallying to the need.  One is Vision for Israel and the other is Jews for Jesus who bring the gospel while meeting physical needs.

I just interviewed two representatives about what it’s like to be in a war zone and what they are doing and what they need.  Watch it here.

Every dollar that comes in will go to the need. Just today I authorized sending $24,000 and we will send more as the money comes in.

Our fellow brothers and sisters in Israel are in need of our support and prayers during these trying times. We are committed to offering our help, and we invite you to join us in this vital mission.

There are various organizations in Israel tirelessly working to provide relief, support, and protection to the people. We have identified several of these organizations that are making a significant impact and are in need of financial assistance. Your generous donations can help ensure that these vital efforts continue.

Christian Life Missions is a platform through which we will share our mission, stories of faith, and opportunities to make a meaningful impact in the lives of those in need, starting with a special focus on supporting the people of Israel during challenging times.

 How You Can Help

If you feel called to support our mission and make a difference in Israel, there are two ways to contribute:

Mail Donations: You can send your donations to our address at 600 Rinehart Rd, Lake Mary, FL 32746. Please make checks payable to Christian Life Missions.

Donate Online: For your convenience, we have set up an online donation portal on our website. Visit christianlifemissions.org to make a secure online donation.

Your support, no matter the amount, can go a long way in bringing relief and hope to those who need it most. We appreciate your kindness and generosity.  And 100% of what you donate will go to these ministries in Israel. Nothing is taken out for expenses by us.

We would also like to extend an invitation to pray for the people of Israel, asking for peace, strength, and protection during these uncertain times.  We are commanded by scripture to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and that God blesses those who bless Israel.

It’s always good to remember Our Mission:

At Christian Life Missions, our purpose is to make a positive difference in the world by spreading love, faith, and hope. We believe that it is our Christian duty to reach out and help those who are less fortunate, facing hardships, or in need of assistance. Our mission is to extend our hands and hearts to bless and protect individuals and communities, both locally and globally, who are facing difficult circumstances.

Stay Connected

Stay connected with us through our newsletter, website, and social media channels to receive updates on our missions, stories of impact, and future opportunities to help those in need. We will keep you informed about how your contributions are making a difference in the lives of individuals and communities.

Thank you for joining us on this journey to bring blessings and protection to those who need it the most. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on the world.

Blessings and love,

Stephen Strang, president
Christian Life Missions
600 Rinehart Rd
Lake Mary, FL 32746

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Faith That Faces Fierce Natives and Stares Down a Firing Squad

Faith That Faces Fierce Natives and Stares Down a Firing Squad

Bruce Olson is a missionary who has focused his work on the country of Columbia since 1961. When he was only 19-years-old, he committed to moving to South America. He purchased a one-way ticket to the region to spread the gospel.

After his arrival, he ventured into the unchartered territory of the northeast Columbia jungles. Once there, he met face-to-face with the Indian tribe called the Motilones.

They are also called the Bari people or Motilon-Bari and are fierce and primitive.

Who are the Motilones?

When you understand the history of the Motilones, their fierceness makes sense. During the 16th century, Spaniards arrived on Columbian soil looking for gold. They believed it was forming from frequent lightning strikes hitting stones. 

The Motilones were able to fend off the Spaniards and defend their territory. The Spaniards gave this group their name Bari “Motilones.” It means “people of the short hair,” according to Wikipedia.

The Bari men even stopped major looting of gold in the region by Ambriosius Ehinger in 1530. In the 1900s, oil companies made their way in after oil was located on the Motilones territory. 

Researcher Roberto Lizarralde made the first peaceful contact with the region in 1960. He studied the Bari’s ethnobotany. After that, Bruce Olson started living with the Motilones as part of his Christian ministry in 1962.

Motilones Accept Bruce

 At some point, the Motilones began to call Bruce “Bruchko,” as that is how they pronounced his name. 

Bruce worked without affiliation to any specific missions board or organization. Even without this support, he was able to start medical clinics and establish schools for the Motilones. He translated the bible into their language and led many tribe members to accept Christ. 

No matter what positive work Bruce brought to the Motilone region of Columbia, it remained volatile. It had been “plagued with escalating problems, including revolutionary uprisings and plundering by drug barons” for a long time, according to Christian Life Missions. 

During this chaos, Bruce remained an effective influence through his humble demeanor. He won over the love and respect of the Motilones tribe and taught them many things. His book called “Bruchko” accounts for the positive relationship he had with the tribe and the country of Columbia.

Charisma Magazine quoted Bruce, “Can you imagine coming from the jungles? They had never seen cars before. They didn’t know what glass was…So several students from the tribe went to school for the first time. They had to learn to count beyond three; they had to learn Spanish.”

Even with all his positive input, Bruce’s time with the Motilones tribe was not without incident. His ministry took a scary turn when he was captured by the National Liberation Army (ELN) in 1988. 

The ELN was determined to control the Motilone territory “as part of their strategy for revolution,” as described by Christian Life Missions. They used their judicial system to find Bruce guilty of exploiting the Motiline tribe and sentenced him to death. 

A journalist named Maria Cristina Caballero wrote a series of articles about Bruce’s captivity. They garnered a lot of attention and eventually led to his release. One of the guerrilla leaders said that his capture was a mistake and an embarrassment to the ELN. 

However, his release did not come before he was tortured and threatened with death. He even faced a firing squad with guns loaded with blanks. It goes without saying that Bruce has nerves of steel.

True to his service, Bruce took advantage of his time with the ELN and led many of the guerillas he had contact with to the Lord. He was so grateful his life and time could be used to work out God’s sovereign will for everyone he touched in Columbia.

Bruce’s Ministry Today

Now in his 80s, Bruce is still active in his ministry to the Motilones and other Columbian tribes. He has spoken before the United Nations. His bestselling book is required reading for many missionary organizations and Christian schools. He also had a movie made about his life in 2017 called ‘Bruchko.’

The work Bruce started in Columbia is still alive today. His influence has led to numerous Columbians graduating from local universities. They are now practicing doctors, accountants, forest rangers, etc.

These graduates take their knowledge back to their communities and share what they’ve learned by going to schools. Many more in the region will benefit from what Bruce was able to do for the Motilones and other Columbians for years to come. 

If you would like to donate to Bruce’s ministry, be assured that 100% of the proceeds will go directly to him when you donate through Christian Life Missions.

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Steven Halford Has a Passion For Evangelism

Steven Halford Has a Passion For Evangelism

Serving as a church leader in many capacities since 1996, he has a strong belief in the power of the local church.

He describes the local church as “a type of aircraft carrier which sends out its soldiers into the mission field and then receives them again in order to be refueled whilst hearing the stories of their adventures.”

Steven has spent his fair share of time in the mission field himself. He has preached the gospel on five continents. He expresses how he is always amazed by God’s willingness to do what seems impossible.

How Steven Came to Know Christ

Steven did not grow up in a Christian home. He was raised on England’s south coast, born to his mother, who was a bar-maid, and his father, a Royal Navy sailor.

He said that “a chain of events caused me to seek answers to this life and the life to come, and I was introduced to Jesus.”

His salvation came at age 17. He felt different when he woke up the next day after accepting Christ.

He started to feel the healing of a difficult childhood. At first, he dabbled between the two worlds of partying and reading his bible.

Then one night at 19, he heard God’s voice for the first time. He was outside a nightclub where he was hanging out with his friends. The voice said, “Son, leave this place and don’t ever come back.”

That was a turning point for Steven in his Christian life.

Pastoring Pastors

His life’s journey has led him to focus on pastoring pastors. He stumbled upon this ministry focus by accident through his own experiences as a pastor.

After a short time working in the ministry as a young man, he noticed that pastoring can be lonely. Sure, pastors are very busy on the weekends. But unless they are deliberate in what they do with their weekdays, he found it isolating.

Being surrounded by others yet feeling alone is a point of potential trouble.

When Steven felt this isolation, he looked for connections with others. What he found himself doing was hearing a lot of stories and issues. They either needed a listening ear or a solution.

He saw spiritual abuse and church politics. So he developed a level of compassion and understanding for pastors. This is the path that’s led to his ministry.

He has a passion for supporting local churches and leading pastors. He also mentors upcoming generations of church planters.

Steven’s Ministry Today

Steven is not a stranger to suffering himself. He has a daughter that lives with a life-threatening and incurable disease.

He knows firsthand the challenge of balancing the hard things and the good things. The tough things we experience in this life with God’s promises for us in the afterlife.

With this mindset, he spreads the message of the gospel to people around the world.

He is now working in partnership with the Orlando House of Prayer through his ministry. He is ordained by the Forerunner Messenger Alliance.

In spring 2021, he preached to a church in Pakistan and was a speaker at a conference in Nigeria.

He also had the opportunity to preach in the United Kingdom. He met with leaders about future evangelism plans and planting churches.

While there, he baptized new believers and shored up his relationships. This fueled his passion for planting churches and giving believers a home church as a base.

Steven recently addressed the war in Ukraine during his ministry. In a sermon to the home church at Anchor Community Church, he asked, “Whatever happened to the fear of the Lord?” We love the love that God shows, but what about the fear of the Lord?

According to Steven’s sermon, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” He questions if God is raising Putin to bring correction to the people who have lost the fear of the Lord.

Steven Halford Ministries isn’t about putting on showy events. Instead, he is going under the radar to reach people worldwide.

His passion is to bring great revival to places like Nigeria before they get radicalized. This is one example of Steven addressing the issues of our current times through the power of the gospel to local churches.

He has partnered with other ministries like Christian Life Missions to bring the name of Jesus to all nations. Contributions to Steven Halford Ministries will allow Steven to continue his journey of bringing the gospel to all who need to hear it.

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Danita’s Children is Making an Impact on the Youth in Haiti

Danita’s Children is Making an Impact on the Youth in Haiti

Haiti has a history of coping with impoverished conditions. Like similar complex situations, poverty doesn’t result from one single factor. There is political oppression, illiteracy, and a large population in a small country. Also, physical characteristics like soil erosion have burdened the country’s financial state.

Natural disasters can devastate a country of any level of financial wealth. When the 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit Haiti in 2010, the effect was catastrophic. Twelve years later, the country has still not recovered. President Jovenel Moise was assassinated in 2021. Throughout these events, gang activity is rampant, leading to many kidnappings and much violence. Haiti’s history is long and complicated. So several organizations and individuals have stepped in to help.

How Others Are Stepping Up To Help

Danita Estrella Watts is one person drawn to help this struggling community of people in Haiti. When she was 11, she visited the country on a mission trip with her father. Two and a half decades later, she moved to Haiti with only a $200 per month commitment from her church family. Something drew her to this country, and it became clear why one day. Sitting in a café, she watched street children line up to dig through the restaurant’s trash so they could have something to eat.

That day, she bought a young boy a meal. Moments later, she noticed a farmer beating that same boy for being in his way as he was herding his cattle. Normally quiet and shy, she confronted the man and demanded he free the boy. After the man threw the boy away from him, Danita picked him up and got him to safety. She knew that day what her call was—to help these children and show them God’s love.

Almost 20 years after that incident, her charity, Danita’s Children, is a home for over 80 orphaned Haitian children. She also runs a school for over 300 students and a church and pediatric medical center. The center provides medical care to Haiti’s northeast region and operates a feeding program providing more than 16,000 meals every month. Danita’s Children’s Mission Statement is, “We rescue, love, and care for orphans and impoverished children in Haiti, meeting their needs physically, emotionally, educationally, and spiritually so that they are empowered to become leaders in their communities and nation.”

Bringing Hope Through Needed Medical Care

The Children’s Medical Center, operated by Danita’s Children, sees over 8,000 patients in its 17,000 square foot facility every year. They are a full-service facility offering diagnosis through on-site lab and radiology equipment. They have an on-site pharmacy, and emergency medical care with an operating room opened in 2018. They also assist their communities through operating the Haiti Air Ambulance.

The stories of children assisted through the medical center are innumerable. Recently was the story of Baby Charles. He was born prematurely at 28 weeks and required specialized neonatal care to survive. He was only 1.8 pounds at birth. The center’s staff immediately started to provide him with top-of-the-line medical care to ensure he thrived after his arrival. After a month of care, he was discharged, almost doubling his body weight. He left the hospital with his mother, strong and a living miracle.

Baby Gracia is another miracle story from Children’s Medical Center. She was referred by a local hospital when Baby Gracia’s father noticed she wasn’t breathing well. When she arrived at the center, she was in severe septic shock and went in and out of consciousness. It was touch and go for the 13 days of treatment she received from the center. But, this was another happy ending as she left the center in her father’s arms, safe and healthy.

When the staff at the center isn’t busy saving lives, they are educating fellow Haitian medical workers. In February of this year, the center’s nursing staff hosted a team of visiting Haitian nurses. They taught them about malnutrition and how to run an outpatient program. The center’s head malnutrition nurse headed up the training. She taught best practices and how to put the outpatient program in place. Each nurse then took that knowledge back to their towns to help their local children.

How to Empower the Orphaned Children of Haiti

There are many success stories from the efforts of Danita’s Children. But, the organization could not help anyone without the generous and faithful partnerships they share with their donors. Each donation helps fulfill the mission of caring for the orphaned and impoverished children in Haiti. Through these efforts, children are led to Christ, learn to excel in school, and attend college. Through ongoing help, Danita’s Children can continue to make a significant impact on the lives of Haitian children.

You can save a child’s life through child sponsorship. With your donation of $35 each month, you will feed, clothe, and provide life-saving medical care and shelter to a child in need. That’s little more than a dollar a day but enough to change a child’s life in Haiti.

You can be assured that 100% of donations go towards Danita’s Children when you donate through Christian Life Missions.

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Danita’s Children’s programs educate and empower vulnerable children and families in Haiti.

Lives are restored through the provision of:

  • Food
  • Shelter
  • Education
  • Medical services
  • Discipleship

Our goal is to see transformation in Haiti by raising up the next generation of leaders in a Christ-centered environment.

Believers Facing Hardships in the Ukraine Crisis and How You Can Help

Believers Facing Hardships in the Ukraine Crisis and How You Can Help

Russia’s war on Ukraine has had an enormous humanitarian impact.

The estimated number of Ukrainians displaced from the ravages of war is 10 million. They lead to one of Europe’s most significant crises in decades. Residents are fleeing to neighboring countries like Poland, Hungary, and Moldova for relief. But that is also putting extra stress on those nations. The United Nations is gearing up for assisting around seven million refugees. A further seven million people are internally displaced.

The attacks from Russia have been in Ukraine’s most populated areas. Many civilians have to seek refuge from fallout in nearby subway stations. This has left those remaining without water, electricity, and access to basic supplies. In the middle of the war, COVID-19 remains a concern. “The country’s health services are already stretched thin. Accessing treatment will be increasingly difficult,” said the Council on Foreign Relations.

Christians Facing Religious Persecution

Christians are experiencing the added burden of religious persecution. There were sections of Ukraine already under the control of Russian separatists. Protestant churches dealt with restrictions like eliminating church services and banning books. Freedom of religion in Ukraine has been under attack for the past eight years of Russian control. Hymnals and books written by Billy Graham and Charles Spurgeon are forbidden in the Luhansk region.

Release International says the occupied regions of Donetsk and Luhansk “face limitations on their freedom of religion and belief.” Those communities known to be Christian have also been under surveillance. They have experienced electricity, water, and gas cut-offs to their places of worship.

Tatiana Gumenyuk is a Christian and known prayer warrior living near Kyiv, Ukraine. Bombs explode a few miles away from her home. But she refuses to give up “the peace that God instilled in her through her parents,” reports Charisma News. Even under the stress of war, “she knows that God is in control and that she is ready to meet Jesus at any time.” She believes the spiritual implications of Putin’s invasion are significant.

To Gumenyuk, the Protestant presence in Ukraine is likely the largest found in Europe. “People have kept the faith through communism. They have stayed here and evangelized, and the church has grown.” But Christians will be affected if Russia continues to take control over Ukraine. Author and theologian Bradley Nassif has concerns. What will happen if the Russian Orthodox Church has the power to rule over the fate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church? He believes the political war could become a massive religious conflict.

How You Can Partner With Christian Life Missions To Help Christians in Ukraine

Christian Life Missions is determined to assist Christians experiencing oppression during this conflict. They have been supporting ministries since 1956. They help the Christians in Ukraine through ministries they know and trust. They directly help believers in the region under persecution. And aid vetted smaller churches doing the same for Ukrainians.

One of these sister missions is CityServe. They serve Christians in Poland, where Ukrainians have relocated. CityServeis focused on providing meals for residents in need. Their goal is one million meals. They dispense medical supplies, find housing for refugees, and preach the Gospel. All to provide much-needed hope for those suffering.

Christian Life Missions is familiar with war conflicts. The missionary thrust of the organization began during the Korean War. One of the Christian Life magazine’s reporters released a story about the war that got much attention. This formed a non-profit to help Korean villagers with essential supplies and Bibles. Today this non-profit organization is called Christian Life Ministries. 100% of donator’s funds go to their designated cause. In almost 70 years, they have sent over 10 million dollars to Christian causes.

As the war in Ukraine continues to develop, the full extent of the unmet needs that will evolve is unknown. Persecution has been present in the area for many years and will only worsen with this conflict. The history of Christian Life Missions can give you confidence if you’re looking for a reputable organization where you can donate to help the Ukrainians.

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Why It Is Crucial to Help Meet This Special Need in Missionary Bruce Olson’s Ministry

Olson has been ministering to indigenous tribes in Colombia for 60 years. Here’s what you can do to support him. We at Christian Life Missions are asking you to help us raise at least $20,000 to assist him in his ministry in the jungles of Colombia, to help him underwrite the tremendous costs of training and equipping personnel medically to protect the indigenous people from sickness and disease that is being brought into their regions by the western world. You can click here to donate to this special need. https://christianlifemissions.org/project/bruce-olson-ministries/

How Missionary Bruce Olson Still Sees the Gospel’s Power Changing Lives Today

How Missionary Bruce Olson Still Sees the Gospel’s Power Changing Lives Today

Bruce Olson’s story of how, at age 19, he bought a one-way ticket to Colombia and ultimately became a missionary to an unreached people group, the Motilone, is legendary. Not only did it become a bestselling book, Bruchko (the way the Motilone pronounce “Bruce”), but a 2017 movie as well.

Olson himself, who turns 80 later this year, remains active in ministry with the Motilone and many other tribes in the jungles of Colombia. He has spoken before the United Nations, and his book, with its examples of mission work that embraces rather than destroys indigenous culture, is required reading in many missions organizations and Christian schools. His work, like many missionary endeavors, has received its share of criticism along the way—silenced only by the lifechanging impact of the gospel.

Olson tells the story of how he introduced written language to the Motilone and then began a simple school. Later, tribal leaders decided to send some of their young people to high school in Bucaramanga, Colombia, and Olson was able to get them registered.

Help support this cause or learn more at Bruce Olson Ministry

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Help Get Bibles to Those in Prison

CLM has organized a network of prison ministries that will provide the names, addresses and inmate numbers of prisoners who want Bibles and Christian literature. Your tax deductible gift pays the basic cost for these books and Bibles to be sent to those in need, and 100% of your gift provides chaplains what they need for the inmates—subscriptions, Bibles or books. Nothing is taken out for overhead costs.

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How to Reach the ‘Least of These’ in Prison

CLM has organized a network of prison ministries that will give us the names, addresses and inmate numbers of prisoners who want Bibles and Christian literature. Your tax deductible gift pays the basic cost for these books and Bibles to be sent those in need. 100 percent of your gift provides chaplains what they need for the inmates—subscriptions, Bibles or books. Nothing is taken out for overhead.

Jesus said, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matt. 25:40)—and that includes serving those who are incarcerated. Isn’t this an investment in the lives of the prisoners Jesus asked us to visit? Think of how you can impact the life of an inmate hungry for the Light of the world. What a witness!

Thanks For Helping Us Bless Israel! Let’s Spread God’s Word!

Thanks For Helping Us Bless Israel! Let’s Spread God’s Word!

Dear friend of Christian Life Missions,

I am thankful you partnered with us in the past by giving to one of our important ministries.  I hope you know, 100 percent of your gift was sent to the ministry you chose to help. We pay our own overhead expenses.

I’m grateful for a good year in 2017 in which our biggest fundraiser for “Bless Israel” (to help Jews make aliyah through Ezra International) brought in $150,000.  An additional $50,000 donated since the event.  Ezra International which has helped more than 61,705 people, (including 540 Jews make Aliyah) wrote to say they are overwhelmed with the outpouring of support from donors like you. Isn’t this exciting?

My intention is to write to you every month this year to tell you what our target ministries are up to. Your help is coveted. I also hope we can develop a personal relationship.  As president of Christian Life Missions I want to get to know you.  You can call me at 407-333-0600 or email me at [email protected]. I realize that you may give to CLM for a certain ministry every month.  Please don’t stop sending your support. However, as the Lord leads maybe you can help with other projects.  We have several ministries who will eagerly distribute Bibles in prisons. We need to purchase more bibles for distribution.

Our goal is to give the elegant thin line flex-case Modern English Version of the bible valued at around $20 in bookstores.

My goal is to raise $50,000 to buy 10,000 copies at only $5 each.  This is our printing cost.

Our nation’s prisons are overflowing.  Most prisoners will be released only to go back to jail unless their lives change.  And many prison ministries enjoy great success leading inmates to Jesus. But prisoners have few resources and little or no money to purchase a bible.  That is where Christian Life Missions comes in.

Won’t you give generously to this effort we’ve called “Give Away the Word”?  Again, these are durable very nice Bibles available in a variety of colors that you can buy for $5 each. We will give 100% of your gift to this project.

You can give below or by going to christianlifemissions.org/causes/charisma-cares-prison-outreach.

Thank you for giving a gift of God’s Word.  Prisoners who want a Bible but have no way to get one on their own will receive your blessing.

Sincerely in Christ,

Steve Strang, president

Christian Life Missions

Let’s Help Bethel Give to Every Family Who Lost Home in Redding Fire

Let’s Help Bethel Give to Every Family Who Lost Home in Redding Fire

Firefighter watches flames advance west of Redding, California. (REUTERS/Fred Greaves)

You’ve likely been reading in the news about the terrible fires in California. One of the worst fires is raging near Redding, California—the home of Bethel Church, one of the best-known and most respected churches in the country.

The Carr Fire has killed eight people so far and is still burning, largely up in the mountains. This fire has consumed around 207,000 acres and is 63 percent contained as of Monday afternoon. Near Bethel in Redding, the fire has consumed 1,077 homes, 22 commercial structures and 500 other structures.

I recently heard about how Bethel is giving $1,000 to each family who lost a home in their city. The church made the commitment when about 300 homes had been lost. Now the number has grown to 1,770, and Bethel has maintained its pledge to help every one. A number of ministries have come alongside and about half of the $1.1 million needed has come in.

I now hope our will give generously as they have so many times in the past. We’ve raised hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years for victims of tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disasters. I invite you to give (as I have personally) through our nonprofit partner Christian Life Missions, and we will send 100 percent of what comes in to Bethel to distribute as they respond to the needs of their communities.

I interviewed Eric Johnson, son of Bethel’s lead pastor, Bill Johnson, on my “Strang Report” podcast so he could share what his church is doing to support and help heal its community.

Eric says that the night the fire first broke out was traumatic for the entire community. Almost half the city—40,000 people—had to evacuate. Many of Bethel’s staff and team members were among those who had to flee their homes.

“Once everybody sort of got situated, we began to go to work,” Eric told me. “Our teams came together the next morning and began to figure out what we can do in response to this.”

Eric recounts Bethel’s two primary goal to help those affected by the Carr Fire. First, they wanted to make sure every family who lost a home (every address, that is) would receive $1,000 to help cover immediate needs. Second, the team turned Bethel’s main campus into a Salvation Army distribution center, where those who lost their homes could get food, water and supplies. God was gracious to provide Bethel with around 400 volunteers every day to serve the more than 6,300 guests who came. During the two weeks Bethel’s distribution center was open, Mercy Chefs came and cooked thousands of meals a day at Bethel’s site and several other nearby locations.

Now that people are beginning to move back into their neighborhoods, Bethel has moved its distribution center to the nearby Salvation Army. Bethel is now focusing on helping people “ash out,” that is, sifting through the ashes to find any possessions the fire didn’t destroy. Trained teams—totaling 400 people from all over the city—have been ashing out for almost two weeks now.

Even though Bethel still has a long way to go to reach their goal of $1.1 million, Eric marvels at the national—and even international—support Bethel has received. He says one church donated its entire week’s worth of tithes and offerings to Bethel. That gift alone increased their donation fund by around $70,000.

“We’ve obviously put our money into it,” Eric says. “But we feel like we’re just a funnel. We just want to help funnel money into helping [these] 1,100 homes have something immediately. It’s just been astounding.”

To support Bethel’s generous efforts, I invite those of you reading this article to donate whatever God lays on your heart to Christian Life Missions. As I mentioned before, 100 percent of your donation will go to the Bethel’s Carr Fire fund. If you can, I encourage you to give $1,000 to cover an entire family.

Listen to my podcast interview with Eric to gain an insider’s perspective on how God is using Bethel to heal Redding’s community.